Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why the Guys are better than the girls...

Tonight's Guys Idol Rankings:
1. Big Mike. 2. Lee. 3. Todrick. 4. Andrew. 5. Alex. 6. Aaron. 7. Casey. 8. Tim.

I didn't understand why Kara was crying, but big Mike definitely put on an amazing performance tonight. I was leery at the beginning when he started off falsetto, thinking to myself "uh oh, this can't be going anywhere good". But he made it happen, and I think established himself as the best pure power voice in the competition.

Lee took on a risky move, covering Owl City, but he did a great job, making it a pretty sweet acoustic rock cover of "Fireflies". I think it's pretty clear he's the rocker of the group, the closest thing to a David Cook this season has.

The only other guy really worth mentioning is Todrick, who I thought actually might have deserved the top spot, if not for some pretty great numbers that keep him at 3. Is there anyone else bringing the power, energy, and creativity to their songs this season better than Todrick? I haven't seen anyone yet infuse a song with as much energy as he does.

Andrew Garcia was good, and he's got a for sure spot in the top 6, if America does him justice. I hope to see him maybe infuse some future songs with a Latin flavor, or maybe even sing some Spanish in the future.

After Garcia, the field narrows considerably. Casey just wasn't good tonight, and I'm beginning to think he may not have what it takes to last real long, assuming he makes the top 12. Tomorrow night's show I think comes down to these three guys: Aaron, Alex, and Tim. If anyone outside of those three guys heads home, it will be a real upset, because the talent level is much higher outside of those three.

But really, I don't agree with what many people are saying in regards to the talent level this year being heavily weighted for the girls. I think the guys showed 4 really good performances tonight, more than you can say last night about the ladies. I think in general, their creativity and vocal power outdo what the ladies have done so far. Stage presence, originality, and pure energy seem to be on the guys side, and, it makes for a more interesting show. I was much more satisfied after watching the guys perform tonight than I was with the girls last night.

So, tomorrow night, my prediction for who goes home is this:
Paige, Lacey, Alex, and Tim.

Anyone outside of those 4, you can consider it quite the upset. Really, a Katie Stevens doesn't deserve to be in the top 12, but you all voted her in there!

1 comment:

  1. I'll give you Big Mike. He needed to step away from that guitar, and it did him good! He's a little cocky, though, and generally speaking America doesn't like cocky.

    Andrew needs to step away from the guitar if he wants to hold on. I can only take so many pop-turned-acoustic covers. (And is he Israel Houghton's little bro? ha.)

    Lee's vocal tone bothers me. It all comes out of his sinuses. It's not his fault; he does well with what he has. I just don't need another David Cook - there already is one. I knock him down a few numbers.

    Todrick just never hit for me. I didn't care for it. He did bring energy, which saved him, but I didn't care for his vocals most of the song.

    Aaron is the reincarnation of Danny Gokey. He starts poorly, and hits his zone somewhere in the middle all the way to the end. (Compare last night to Danny's "Jesus Take the Wheel" for a perfect example.)

    I didn't see Alex or Tim, and apparently didn't miss much if you put Tim at 8. But if Alex sang "Hallelujah" I saw the clip and enjoyed his voice a lot.

    The thing with Casey is I think he can communicate a story better than most. Sure, his performance wasn't the best, but he's got a solid voice and I want to hear where he's going when he sings. I want resolution to the story. It's like James Taylor. Is there a place for that in pop music? Well, that's what I loved about Carrie Underwood, and we've seen where that's taken her.

    That's my response. Thanks for the tag, haha.
