Tuesday, March 9, 2010

American Idol 3/9

Tonight's Girls Idol Rankings: 1. Crystal. 2. Lilly. 3. Lacey. 4. Didi. 5. Siobahn. 6. Katelyn.
7. Katie. 8. Paige.

Unfortunately for Paige, it's the end of the road. There couldn't have been a poorer performance of "Smile" than the one she did tonight. It was painful. As sweet as it is to hear that she had emotion going into that song, it also greatly affected her performance.

Katie, unfortunately, has the vote from the public. She's got a strong likability factor, and despite the fact that she made that Kelly Clarkson song worse, she won't be going home.

Going home will be Lacey Brown, who doesn't deserve to go home after a really nice performance tonight. She was singing the right song for her, and she was nearly pitch perfect the entire thing. It's too bad that America won't be voting for her over Katie Stevens.

Crystal continues to prove that it's her, and then everyone else. No one else has shown the passion and desire to do a really, really, really good performance every week like Crystal has. She's the David Cook of the women this year. If she doesn't have a guaranteed top 5 overall spot on American Idol, it'll be a crying shame.

I was noticing tonight, perhaps for the first time in my seasons of watching this show, that this season, at least for the women, seems to be glorified karaoke so far (minus Crystal, and to an extent, Lilly). They all seem like they're happy getting up there and doing a really nice karaoke version of the songs they're singing. Siobahn is a terrific singer, but even after her performance I felt like I could've heard that in a bar somewhere.

I don't know...am I crazy? Or is the quality of the singers less this season? I mean, when girls like Katie Stevens, Paige Miles and Katelyn Epperly can compete for top 6 girls, that doesn't get me excited about watching the show each week, looking forward to when they get to perform. Hopefully something changes between now and when they get on the big stage with the big time band and audience.

When Thursday night rolls around, you'll see Lacey Brown and Paige Miles as the two girls who will not be among your top 6. Which leaves Crystal, Lilly, Didi, Siobahn, Katie and Katelyn. Clear line in the sand drawn between your top 4 and Katie and Katelyn. Is there anyone else to get excited about besides Crystal?

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