Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Guantanamo Bay

So, the big news to hit the front page of the Tribune today is the fact that there's a prison in northwest Illinois called Thomson Correctional Center that could house terror suspects from Guantanamo Bay.

This is causing massive uproar from the community. People hate this idea. Terror suspects on US soil? How dare our government do such a thing?

But really, thinking about it, I don't know how terrible of an idea this is. I mean, really, if terrorism suspects are plotting already, what's the difference whether they are here or in Cuba? If these are men (or women) who are already guilty of plotting to terrorize, it doesn't matter where their location is. They're still terrorists. Their plans are still to terrorize.

I was blown away at this woman's comment in the Tribune "I think it's wrong to bring terrorists here, especially when we don't know if their 'little friends' will be coming too". WHAT? Their little friends? Is that how we're referring to other terrorists? And are we automatically assuming that we are more likely to suffer from a terrorist attack because they'll be here with their "little friends"?

In a cash strapped state, using a prison that isn't even at full capacity, I think the move is a no-brainer. With the money the government will give us for housing these inmates, they'll upgrade the facility, help the government with finding places for these Gitmo prisoners, and put some money toward our ever increasing state debt.

But, that's just today's opinion. One layer at a time...
